Mythbusters about affordable housing.

Affordable Housing drives down my home value. - WRONG

Repeated research shows affordable housing has no negative impact on home prices or on the speed or frequency of sales of neighboring homes. According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition, 85% of affordable housing meets or exceeds federal quality standards, and over 40% of this housing is considered “excellent.” That means affordable housing is likely either on par with its surrounding neighborhood or in even better condition than its neighbors!

Affordable housing hurts the quality of local schools and lowers standardized test scores. - NOPE

Based on hundreds of studies and decades of test score reviews, the opposite is actually true. Without affordable housing, many families become trapped in a cycle of rising rents and have to move frequently to find living space they can afford. That means their children are not able to stay in the same school for long, resulting in lower test scores on standardized tests.

Affordable housing brings increased crime. - NEVER

There are no studies, not one, that show affordable housing brings more crime to neighborhoods. In fact, families who own their own homes add stability to a neighborhood and lower the crime rate. Homeownership increases neighborhood cohesion and encourages cooperation in ridding communities of criminal activity. Families who live in affordable housing seek the same thing every family does – a safe place to raise children and the opportunity to enhance the value of what they own.


Center City Housing Selected for Over $23M in Funding


Solar Energy and Affordable Housing